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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Deseret News archives: Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed New Orleans, and the world witnessed it

A look back at local, national and world events through Deseret News archives.
On Aug. 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the U.S. Gulf Coast near Buras-Triumph, Louisiana, breaching levees and spurring floods that devastated New Orleans.
The costliest storm in U.S. history, Katrina caused nearly 1,400 deaths and an estimated $200 billion in damage. Previously a Category 5, but it was a Category 3 storm when it inundated the Louisiana coast as well as parts of Mississippi and Florida.
Photos told the story, at least initially. But telling the tales of Katrina became the job of journalists all over the nation and world. And they did an evocative job.
“Katrina’s fury”
“A 10-year look back at lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina and Utah’s response”
“5 years later: Katrina survivors moving on in Utah”
“Katrina’s legacy”
“Officials: Millions came to help after Katrina”
“Blacks, whites build bridges after Katrina”
“What Salt Lake could learn from Hurricane Katrina”
“Katrina’s wrath relieved by selfless service”
“Katrina anniversary stirs emotions”
“Katrina photos”
